Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Pinhole Photography

Next week we will be doing a pinhole photography project. While we will discuss the details in class, I thought it would be a good idea to give you a jump start on collecting the necessary supplies.

You will need:

*Large empty tin(s) can with tin lid -cookie/popcorn tins work well. (These can be found in every thrift store for around 50 cents)

*1 aluminum pie tin (cheap kind found at the grocery store)

*1 roll of black electrical tape


*1 can flat black spray paint

* 8 by 10 inch RC-(resin coated) MATTE variable contrast photo paper (you all might want to go in on a box as a group-can be purchased from Dury's. This is light sensitive, analog silver gelatin paper that will be used in the traditional darkroom. You can only open the paper in the darkroom under the safelights!!!

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