Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tuesday, June 29, 2010





self portraits



Pinhole Photography

Next week we will be doing a pinhole photography project. While we will discuss the details in class, I thought it would be a good idea to give you a jump start on collecting the necessary supplies.

You will need:

*Large empty tin(s) can with tin lid -cookie/popcorn tins work well. (These can be found in every thrift store for around 50 cents)

*1 aluminum pie tin (cheap kind found at the grocery store)

*1 roll of black electrical tape


*1 can flat black spray paint

* 8 by 10 inch RC-(resin coated) MATTE variable contrast photo paper (you all might want to go in on a box as a group-can be purchased from Dury's. This is light sensitive, analog silver gelatin paper that will be used in the traditional darkroom. You can only open the paper in the darkroom under the safelights!!!

Portraits I've been working on -co


Portraits I've been working on -co

- CO


I enjoyed the Tokihiro images because of the mysterious qualities they have. I

loved seeing the ghosts of the people in the pinhole cameras. It made me think about

the people whose paths we cross daily, and who we are in some way connected to even

though their existence isnʼt completely realized to us. The faint trails of the people and

of Satos own movements in the images made me aware of their connection to the

images, and also aware that i will never know the whole truth about the image and what

they played in itʼs creation.

This makes his photos feel very mysterious, yet still inviting. The Shirakami series

images portray a focal point of light encircling the base of a tree. The shot was taken

with a tripod and a three hour exposure. To create the light effect, he must have

consistently held one light in a spot (possibly around 3 minutes for each ball of light?).

The lights give the image an ethereal quality, and i believe that this is because he

portrays the landscape and the natural forms in the foreground in such great detail. The

otherworldly lights contrast the naturalistic setting which generates curiosity about what

might be taking place in the photo. Almost like the entrancing lights are coaxing you

forward into the image. - co

more sunday school


more on portraits


Monday, June 28, 2010

More domestic/spiritual decay

Not sure if I dig making photos of this subject matter, but I do come across it often. I also took a video...rain was pouring through the ceiling like some tarkovsky film.



Photo by Jesse Marlow

iN- Public: A great website on street photography!

Cruel Story of Youth

From Jennifer Loeber's photographic series, "Cruel Story of Youth". Check out her website!

Grace goes to camp or what i did today


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Randoms from today

#276 Koto-ku Aomi

Unfortunately I could not find an image online to go along with this post.

I think what I like the most about Sato's images is the fact that he manages to take things that people see everyday and make them extraordinary. In this photograph he takes this big, what appears to be an office building, and somehow he manages to pull your eye towards this incredible light source rather than the gigantic building that would normally draw the viewers attention. I don't think this image would have worked as well any smaller. Even though the photograph had to be in two different prints, I think it was well worth it. Also, there is just something about seeing Sato's work in person rather than just looking at his images online. Looking at the prints is a new experience all together.

Friday, June 25, 2010

#340 Yura

Looking online I can find some works by this artist that I enjoy...but most of his works displayed at the Frist left me feeling not much of anything. I can't really appreciate whats going on in a lot of the works - seemingly random positioning of light dots, space, minimalism with no pay off. Some of the shots looked like they would be popular on flickr (hm?). I can sort of admire his use of light (in an unatural way through the eye of the camera) to show off some of the natural mysteriousness of light itself. I chose this one picture from the show because I liked it has an authentic stillness whereas some others came off as cliche attempts.


Presence or Absense: Tokihiro Sato at the Frist Center

This show is amazing. I really enjoyed that i understand now how such things can be achieved in photography. If you had asked me a few weeks ago im sure i would have said this photographer has finally found the fairies those little girls in England claimed they took pictures of years ago .

Now i know that it is actually done with technical skills and planning.... even if it makes me think the fairies did it. or fireflies .... nope, its a guy with flashlights.. i'm a little sad now...BG

Thursday, June 24, 2010

And for whatever reason liked this damn bush -

For me, self portraits are horrifying. I haven't taken my own picture in 4 years and don't even look at myself when I brush my teeth in the morning.

Honestly, it could be a great exercise to continue with...I definitely have a blind spot. Here goes nothin

Assignments Due

By tomorrow evening:
Post your critique of a Tokihiro Sato photograph from the exhibit (include an image if possible) to this blog.

Due on Monday June 28th:
Assignment #4 Portrait/Self Portrait
6 prints and your 120 frames burned to a disc or thumb drive. Include the 6 images you have chosen to print. You can leave them in layers if you have questions.

Read pages 117-147 in your text


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Museum of Contemporary Photography (MoCP)

Lillie with Rag Doll by Mary Ellen Mark

One of the few photography museums in the U.S.  MoCP has a  collection that is searchable online. You can look photographers up based on variety of criteria (medium, title, description, etc).  Visit the MoCP website here.