Thursday, June 24, 2010

For me, self portraits are horrifying. I haven't taken my own picture in 4 years and don't even look at myself when I brush my teeth in the morning.

Honestly, it could be a great exercise to continue with...I definitely have a blind spot. Here goes nothin


  1. I think that's interesting and can say a lot about a person. I do a lot of self portraits because I detach myself as a defense mechanism, and get stuck in my head. I guess getting outside myself is a way to counter it.-co

  2. I don't know why, but I'm drawn to the 3rd down where you're holding something. It looks like a quiet contemplative moment right before you're about to act,

  3. it is funny to see your self portraits in this sequence after reading your comment about being uncomfortable with self portraits. With each image, we see more of you.

    There is a bit of irony in sitting in a studio set up with lights and making a portrait where you are in the area that has the least amount of light. Shunning the studio?
